Our stripey corner of the web is a place to celebrate stripes in all their wondrous widths, styles and varieties. We wed pleasing colours with playful designs that encourage you to make a statement, whoever you are and wherever you’re heading.

We may be small but we have big ambition and believe in doing things the Gladness way. That means kindness, care and total dedication to bringing you our beloved stripes.

All products are dreamt up by our teeny team in the north of the UK and curated in playful colours to spark fun and Gladness in every look.

We release limited edition stripey goods, in small quantities to avoid waste and to make sure our pieces are as individual as you!

Gladness stripes are made with the same love and care we show our customers and brand partners. We take steps to ensure our accessories have the smallest footprint possible, and only ever produce the number of products we think we’ll sell.

All our accessories feature a blend of eco-conscious materials, while our packaging is recycled and recyclable. Gladness stripey goodies can be worn again and again, and we hope that their fun designs will help keep your favourite garms in regular rotation too.

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